We help to transform your body and your life

Chat with a coach to build a plan that’s right for you

  1. THIS IS A FITNESS PROGRAMME. First and foremost the thing to remember is exactly this. Yes its also a sport for some but for a large percentage of the population, this is a fitness programme. So the question you need to ask yourself is – are you wanting to be an athlete or are you using this programme to learn to move better, be stronger and use it to enhance your everyday life. Once you answer that question then you are better equipped to remember why you turn up and what YOU need to do with the programme. Decide and be at peace with it!
  2. TRY YOUR WEIGHTS. You should always be asked to try your weight before you start your workout. This isn’t just to be annoying and use up some precious energy – its so you can assess whether you will be able to move that weight consistently well for the rep scheme that is given.
  3. KNOW YOUR 1 REP/3REP/5 REP MAX. Record them and update them if and when they change. Its so important to understand where you are at with your strength and what you can move safely. This is the foundation of making your choices in your Conditioning. For example, if your 3 rep max power clean is 50kg, you aren’t going to choose 50kg in a conditioning that has 3 power cleans plus burpees and box jumps and whatever else gets thrown at you! Your max is when you’re fresh, the conditioning is challenging you aerobically as well so this is where knowing your own abilities is of fundamental importance.
  4. UNDERSTAND THE STIMULUS/INTENT. If your coaches don’t explain to you what you should be trying to achieve out of the workout then they aren’t doing their job and you need to remind them! There is always a bigger picture at play when something is programmed, so to understand the adaptation you are trying to make is essential. If its moving a heavy (relative to individual) barbell with low reps then you shouldn’t be moving it quickly – its practicing moving a heavy barbell and moving it well. You can’t touch and go a heavy barbell without compromising your form so don’t. On the flip side if its a lighter weight and cardio/engine building is the stimulus then you’re likely to be moving quicker and more consistently. We have to start using the muscle between our ears and if you don’t understand why you’re doing what you’re doing – ask. Please ask.
  5. USE OTHERS AS MOTIVATION NOT COMPETITION. This is talked about all the time and yes its human nature to be competitive, I get it. However it doesn’t get us results, it gets us injured. The class environment is the best environment to be in when it comes to getting work done. The energy, friendships, banter and support is something you can’t find anywhere else – so let that be what gets you through those workouts. If you want to compete then sign up for one.
  6. BE AN INSPIRATION. Have a think about those that inspire you. Is it the person that has the most weight on the bar but has terrible form or is it that person that moves beautifully. Is it that person that stays behind after class to work on those movements they can’t do, that does the squat therapy at home, that spends their time before class mobilising and getting ready for their workout. This programme isn’t about doing the top end movements badly, its about doing the basics really well.
  7. KNOW YOURSELF. Your coaches main job, among others is to teach you how to fundamentally move well and help you progress towards your goals whatever they may be. At some stage you need to take what you are learning and be able to use it. There may be times when you go and train somewhere else – on holiday, another box. Your coach can’t be with you all the time so you need to take on board what you’re being taught and have the knowledge to bring it elsewhere. Another coach won’t know you from a bar of soap, so you need to know yourself.
  8. VIRTUOSITY. Its taught on every Level 1 Coaching Course. Teach people to do the common uncommonly well. Thats what your coaches are trying to do, so keep it simple and the results will come.

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Have a burning question about our gym or programme? Want to know if RX Fitness is right for you? Send us an email [email protected] or phone us on 022 851 0502.