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3 Reasons Why You Should Choose The 'Boring' Workouts


If you’re a fan of functional fitness and are used to taking yourself to the edge of discomfort regularly, it can seem like a waste of precious time to dial it back and choose the less sexy stuff to focus on. 

Our awesome Coach and Barbell Queen Grace Sione posted a fantastic blog on our members page to encourage our athletes to consider these days as almost MORE important than the big intensity days – and here are her reasons


 Active recovery: A lot of us use exercise as an outlet or an escape and sometimes inadvertently put pressure on ourselves to perform. Active recovery is about moving our body with intention, taking our foot off the gas pedal and recognising that sometimes our nervous system needs a bit of a rest as well as our body! 


 Mobility: The movements in todays workout (Turkish get ups and the Arnold’s press predominately) encourage us to move in different ways by loading through different ranges of motion. Trying to get off the ground with one hand is hard! But I promise once you get the hang of these Turkish get ups, if you fall over outside of the gym with a tray of eggs in your hands you’ll be thankful you did them! 


 Choosing your hard: As above, when talking about active recovery, todays workout is about choosing your hard for today. Don’t like the sound of a two minute bike? No probs!! Get outside and get some fresh air with a 2 minute run, pick up the skipping rope and practice those double unders OR grab a rower! Push ups not your forte? That’s okay what a great opportunity to slow it down and practice this movement! 

Sometimes coming in and pushing to capacity all the time in every single class can be a bit taxing on our body (and did I mention our nervous system??) so slowing it down some days is not a bad thing (especially if we’ve just come back from a lovely long holiday and are trying to make up for the fitness we didn’t get round to doing)! 

As Coach Grace so wisely mentions, it’s important to cover ALL the bases when training our body. Doing the slower, more intentional movements allow our bodies to have time to focus and be mindful of how our bodies are feeling. We can improve on our technique, and build the body armour we need for everyday life! 

If you are keen to learn more about our offerings and programming, click here to book a FREE consult with one of our Coaches to see how we can help you build some resilience for life!


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